Health Insurers

Enjoy your day and let health find you..

Two hypotheses that we’d like you to validate

There’s much to gain by integrating wellness, DMP and member engagement into your curative practices. Here are two hypotheses that we’d like you to validate

Healthier members = healthier bottom lines.
Increased positive experiences of members = lower member churn rate.

Would you like to validate these hypotheses?

Leverage the digital health industry, to offer innovative and compelling services.

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Positive engagement that assure that your members remain committed to better healthcare outcomes and do so over sustained periods.

Support your members in adopting healthier choices and lifestyles… consistently. Habits supported include active lifestyles, nutrition, sleep and medication adherence among others.


Makes business sense

Add superior value with marginal business efforts

Cost effective

Cost effective solutions – starts at zero cost, with modular pricing. Flexibility to be selective

Easy to run

Scalable solutions with automated features to minimize efforts at running programs

Superior client value

Build B2B assets with stakeholders and extend bespoke services to your policy groups

Cost Effective & Superior